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que sara sara

Sunday, December 26, 2004
boxing day
am not exactly in the correct frame of mind to blog abt my 买东西、吃东西 experience in hong kong now. shall leave it to later. been unpacking, washing and repacking clothes since last night. still semi done.

feel guilty for not being able to extend xmas greetings personally to everyone.
so to everyone, a rather late MERRY CHRISTMAS and a happy BOXING DAY!
Friday, December 17, 2004
toa payoh swimming complex
was packing my stuff in the toilet when this person changed into her swimwear in front of me. and it was not like there were many stalls occupied. so i saw her breasts and all and for some bizarre reason, my eyes lingered on her upper body for one second too much. tp swimming complex always make me witness things that i dont want to. argh!

what makes people insecure?

sometimes, we say things that make people feel uncomfortable, most of the time not realising it. and the person who feels uncomfortable, more often than not, will not mention anything about it. as a result, misunderstandings result. dumb but happens all the time.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
first two rows
9.30: woke up
10.30: finished watching CSI and rushed around to get stuff to leave the house
11.30: met jac and yeiling at thomson plaza after walking back and forth the bus stops
12.05: succeed in getting lost in the middle of some place in yck
12.20: realised we were not that lost after all
13.50: still crapping after laksa lunch at mrs khong's and realising that i'll be very late
14.25: panicking and trying to get cab
14.40: talking to the super friendly cab driver while he prac flew from yck to sajc
14.55: reached sajc, very late and making yz wait
15.30: managed to "smuggle" 6 testimonials out
16.10: alighted from the wrong stop and took cab again
16.30: rushed into driving centre and ended up waiting
19.17: finished BTT and realising i can only get 2 more ques wrong or i'll fail
20.06: finally made our way to mos burger ps meeting kat, sh, inez, karen, py and eunice to celebrate karen's and some other pretty belated bdays
20.58: finally cutting the cake and for once, we cleaned off everything
21.50:leaving ps after strolling around with yz and kat

incessant and mad rush. $14.20 in all for cab fare. but total fun!
one of those days...
yesterday was one of those days where everything seems to fall apart in front of me. actually, i made it sound more serious than it actually was. but it still sucked to have all your carefully crafted plans ripped apart in front of you. oh wells... guess that's for slacking too much. anw, if this keeps up, i'll be able to open an events coordination company come jan. planning around conflicting schedule is not fun at all.

it's funny. the next three days spent without parents around will be incredibly tame as the whole world is busy except me. let's see... i've slept more than enough; i'm sick and tired of packing; my eyes are probably going to drop out if i watch some more tv; i'll not shop cos i need to break a bank to sustain any further indulgence. so what do i have left to do?

sometimes, i want so much to reach out and help. but rendering help is difficult if the person refuses to open up.
Sunday, December 12, 2004
All I Want for Christmas is You
[Olivia Olson]

I don't want a lot for Christmas
There's just one thing I need
I don't care about presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true...
All I want for Christmas
Is you...

I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I don't need to hang my stocking
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won't make me happy
With a toy on Christmas day
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you...

I won't ask for much this Christmas
I won't even wish for snow
I'm just gonna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe
I won't make a list and send it
To the North Pole for Saint Nick
I won't even stay awake to
Hear those magic reindeer click
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you...

All the lights are shining
So brightly everywhere
And the sound of children's
Laughter fills the air
And everyone is singing
I hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa won't you bring me the one I really need
Won't you please bring my baby to me

I don't want a lot for Christmas
This is all I'm asking for
I just want to see my baby
Standing right outside my door
I just want him for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Baby all I want for Christmas is
and you and you and you and you

All I want for Christmas is you

i cant resist putting this down. she has such an amazing voice and is only 12 this year. this has become my favourite chrismas song because of her.
Saturday, December 11, 2004
sleeping pattern
waking up at 520am to go to the airport has seriously screwed up my sleeping pattern. slept a total of 19 hours in the past 48 hours. with puts me in a perpectual groggy-sleepy eyes-lethargic state. anw, i have time management problems (like that is a surprise). i cant arrive at a place on time. either too early or too late. and both sucks.

cant believe that it's appraoching the third week of dec (two and half actually) i still have tons of want-to-read books that have yet to read. thanks to the idiot box and my lack of determination to get away from it. how apt. the idiot box. an idiot to sit in front of it for 4 hours per night. turning more idiotic when you cant drag yourself away from it. oh wells... who says i'm smart anw?

i need to plan the itenary for my HK trip. funny thing to do considering that the last time i went was when i was 5. and need to pack. figure out how to pack without actually having the luggage.

all that aside, staying home on sat is a good thing. dont like to squeeze with the crowd.
Friday, December 10, 2004
rain clouds
i think the rain clouds have something against me. when i'm alone at home, it has to rain and stop raining and start raining and so on. and i have to walk all over the house opening and closing windows. it's making me sicker and more upset than alr am.

i HATE losing stuff. no matter how the size and cost. and i wont rest until i find it. crap!

Thursday, December 09, 2004
while i was busy wiping off tears after reading the blog of someone who has recently passed on, got msn-ed on the screwed up layout of my own blog. was quite amused for a few moments. i guess i get more emotional reading than watching say movies. a lot of written stuff have made me cry but very few movies.

anw, realised that the tag board problem was less solved than expected. normal under firefox but weirded under IE. oh wells... i just dont have the patience or affinity with html codes. but due to the help from my helpful friends, i shall try fiddling with it some more.
type of blogger

You Are a Social Blogger!

Your blog is more of a semi-private affair for your friends.
It's how you keep in touch... sharing stories, jokes, and pics.

What kind of blogger are you?

Wednesday, December 08, 2004
why do oil splatter onto you?
(a). because there's water on the hot plate and clumsy you contribute to more water anyway
(b). because the hotplate cum metal bowl thingy is slanted downwards and you happen to be sitting in the direct path of the downward slant. by probability and laws of physics, think one can calculate why one person in the table of five happen to kenna the most. hahaz
(c). because i am just suay

it's funny how people click. even though we do the same things every single first-3-months class gathering like mahjong (but this time is with real tiles), play cards, watch vcds (always pirated. hahaz), disturb shiyun etc, i will still managed to enjoy each and every gathering.

i had a tiny taste of what it's like to be rich (and famous?) on mon. interesting experience. i dont mind more of such flitting eye-opening encounters. since i'm not likely to be rich or famous anw. and i am a living proof that someone with fear of heights can be in odac and graduate from it still fearing heights.

my flying/training off s'pore and back schedule [edited]:
hong kong: 19th (10am) to 25th (7pm)
pahang: 26th (7.30pm) to 31st (7.50am)
so sorry to disappoint you pp, i have not left yet. :P

and thanks ivan for helping to fix my tagboard.
Sunday, December 05, 2004
have i mentioned that i hate packing? just the thought of having to do it is making me sick. and i have to come up with some miracle to do laundry within 24 hours (wait... minus plane delay time, sleeping time, watching tv time, reply overdued sms time and staring at the pile of laundry without knowing what to do time, if am darn lucky) 2 hours.

i feel that my brain is slowly but surely degrading as the days go by. soon, whatever that is left of it will fade to nothingness. yupz.. and it is happening already.
Thursday, December 02, 2004
advertising myself (haha...)
if there's is anyone who needs me to do data-entry, will be glad to be of service. all you have to do is to email me and i will contact you. i offer this service at very low rates. if you are willing to pay wages higher than what my mum is paying me (which btw is zero dollars), i will accept the job. highly experienced cos have been doing this on and off for years. and thanks to a particula game i was addicted to when i was in pri sch, i can enter numbers very very fast. will also throw in filing services.

this is the number one reason why i didnt go in search for an office job: boring! i have the rest of my life to be bored so i dont need to be bored now.

shopping for office clothes suitable for a 18 yr-old is hard. have to be: affordable, not too mature, nice and versatile enough to be wore out since will only work for a while. as usual, with karen, did roxy things like go into a shop three times within two hours to look and re-look at stuff. :D

sometime all you can do is listen. and hope for the best.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
trawling town
in the past 9 days, been in town for 5. then again, shopping experiences are always different with diff people.

my house is a pig sty compared to win's. maids of honour came up very well. flat cake was kinda blueberry muffins (or should it be the other way round?) baking was tiring though. esp when you bake something using close to 600g of flour.

after the constant procrastination, finally went to sign up for BTT with yz. and everyone told me it was a wrong decision to take it at ubi with the roadworks and everything. thanks for the encouragement ya? extremely amused with stories about "guests" from hell. that's why i was never keen on getting a job quickly in the first place. trying to postpone the facing "real" world as much as possible. can be a very efficient shopper if i want to. even after receiving a rude shock that a shirt for a 2 yr old can cost $109.

do i look very guilable? always seem to attract pp asking for donations. seems that my social circle is very big (which i seriously doubt) i bump into acquaintances many times within the stretch from wisma to paragon. ear still hurts and serves me right. grandma is surprisingly unsurprised by the third earhole. except volunteering some of her ear-rings. who knows, i may get some heirloom. hahaz...