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que sara sara

Monday, January 31, 2005
march birthday comm
ok... so march is still rather far away. but considering that we took something like 5 whole months to settle the whole thing last year, deb and i decided to start early. though there's a general consensus that we'll probably only get it done the day before. the pp who are in the comm better start making yourselves useful. hahaz...

customers tend to assume you know how all the food taste like just because you work in that place. not that i didnt get to try some of the food. in fact, i'm under the impression that the kitchen staff is trying to fatten me (hahaz... so hansel and gretel). however, i'd like to think that i'm a convincing liar.

am developing my potential as a scheduler. since i need to 'slot' friends into my weirded working schedule.
Friday, January 28, 2005
application of murphy's law
murphy's law really applies. everytime i need to do something impt online and not totally irrelevant stuff, my comp refuses to log on/cant log on/whatever (the fact that this can be posted is cos i tried on and off for like an hour.) and btw, i cant see anything on my tagboard. so for anyone who needs their msgs to be read urgently, pls email me. or sms. hah.

anw, i feel as though i am darn busy. cos when i want to meet friends, my sms will go something like this: so-and-so, let's meet for dinner on blah blah blah dates or lunch on blah blah blah dates. that's the problem with having inconsistent schedules. talking about schedules, the only benefit i derive from such inconsistencies is that i get to read more books. since when people are working, am at home. vice versa.

life is about making it a point. like making it a point to go swim on my off day though all i want to do is to stay in bed. like making it a point to meet up with people despite having conflicting schedules. like making a point not to be so accident prone at work (or at least spread out my accident proness over the week instead of all happening on a single day) i almost broke one teapot and dunno how many water glasses; spilled orange juice from the container which resulted in two other pp helping me to clean up (including my manager) and dirtied my top when the cake foil flew up (dont ask h0w it happened. embarrassment) all within one hour. talking about making a point, i need to make it a point to stop eating so many cakes. but there's just something about desserts that i cant resist. which is bad when i see cakes everyday and kinda get to eat when i'm doing morning shifts. for the record, i put back on all the weight i lost due to my one week of sickness in the beginning of the month. and cny is coming. great!

doing bar for your whole entire shift is not funny or fun at all. there's always something to do. whether is preparing the new orders, washing all the cups and spoons or topping up the ingredients. at least i didnt mess up any orders today. or more like the mistakes got spotted by more experienced colleagues (i.e. everyone else) before they got delivered to the customers. so i have yet to kenna scolding. but with my tendency to get flustered and messy, i can foresee that it will happen in due course. hahaz...
Monday, January 24, 2005
day of the big bad customers
for some reasons, we get very unreasonable customers today. demanding to change seats when the place is already full. making us run around with requests when they could have just voiced out all their requests at once. scolding us when we were not the one who took the order in the first place. oh crap! i totally felt like throwing plates at one woman who cant even keep her kid quiet yet made so many demands which resulted in us running around. excuse me queen of the universe, i hope you fell flat on your face on her your home.

and did i mentioned that i hate kids? i shall reiterate if i did: i HATE kids. if they are controllable by their parents/guidians, they are alright. but if their inconsiderate parents allow them to run around the place, they are not only nuisances; they pose as dangers for all the service crews and other customers. the worst thing is that if i or my colleagues knock into them (or more like they knock into us), we will be the ones who will get it. people with kids like those should lock their kids up. actually, they themselves should be the ones to be locked up cos they are supposedly "thinking" adults. yarh right.

i guess today is just a bad day. out of every 20 customers, there is usually only one rude/inconsiderate/should-just-go-die one. i've met people who help us shift things when they see us struggling. there are also those who chat with you when you serve them water etc. and surprisingly, there's quite a number of people who actually leave tips despite having already paid for the 10% service charge.

btw, if there is feedback avenues available, i should suggest for the company to change all the seats to sofa seats or throw all the sofas away so that customers wont keep requesting change of seats and giving all of us headaches. and should have a voice recording system so that they cant insist that they said something when they didnt in the first place, putting the blame on us instead. plus i wont get 冤枉 for doing something wrong when i've been instructed by one colleague but another says that it's against SOP. ha! wistful thinking but one must always have hope in life.
Friday, January 21, 2005
without life
i have no life. which is technically impossible when i am sitting here typing this. but figure of speech-ly, i dont have a life since i need to work 6 days a week including weekends. this means that i have not been attending most family gatherings, friends' gatherings and whatsoever. despite feeling overworked and definitely underpaid, i really shldnt be complaining. it has been a good experience so far.

anyway, since this post is so random anw, i shall continue blabbering. thanks to all the odacers who came to visit me in the at-city-hall-but-out-of-the-way-outlet-i'm-at (esp ivan who visited three times though i only saw him twice). it's great to see familar faces and a nice respite from all the same faces from work all day long (customers dont count). my colleague asked me yesterday if i had considered being an air stewardess. he obviously dont know me or my track record of clumsiness very well. people around me seems rather concerned about the direction towards which my career is heading recently. dinner at soup spoon is lovely. now convinced that soup can be actually filling. and it is official. singapore is so lacking in land that ns-men train in "patch(es) of trees". statistically, this is an anecdotal example but who cares? -end of blabbering-

back to my pt of not having any life. i am reduced to sms-ing people in the death of the night/morning cos i only rem what i intend to say at such timings. yay!
Monday, January 17, 2005
threats dont scare me
was warned that i will be locked out of the house if i reach home at 3.30am again. i wonder how they intend to enforce that when there is n0 way that my house can be locked from inside. now i know they expect me to call home at 11 plus pm at night when they are already sleeping to tell them i'll be home later. it makes so much sense.

it will be interesting actually: to be locked out. dont get mad; get even.
just returned from my first ever pubbing experience. why did i go in the first place? i have no idea actually. considering i went with people whom i know for less than a week. but i guess it's not exactly dangerous to go with three of your superiors and two other colleagues.

after spending three plus hours there and passively smoking dunno how many sticks of cigarettes, i still dont get the fascination over alcoholic drinks and smoking. surprising, i didnt get drunk although this is the first time i drank bourbon coke and 'so much' alcohol in my life (in inverted commas cos i dont think it's much for those pp who drink on a regular basis). the secret (according to my parents) is to drink very very slowly.

i think i'll have a hard time trying to get rid of the cigarette smell from my clothes, bag and hair. while it was an eye opening 3 plus hours and i felt less out of place than expected, future pubbing will remain in a for-work basis only. personal choice plus it's not cheap to drink. not that i had to pay for anything today though.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
i think i should master the art of carrying a tray so as to not scare my customers too much. notice the looks of fear and horror on their faces everytime i walk pass them with my tray wobbling. but i dont mean to do it!

due to work, am going to pang seh two groups of pp on fri. assuming i dont have work and have some super human time management skills, i will ps none. assuming i dont have work and have no such skills, i will ps one group. oh wells...

on night shifts this week. and those are the times when there are more people. will be quite an interesting week. hahaz... all my collegues are super nice. though everyone thought i was waiting for O lvls. darns! i shld just play along. then i can get away with more mistakes ;p

Sunday, January 09, 2005
charity fatigue
two words that have recently surfaced in the papers. doing good is said to beget more good and it is supposed to just grow and grow. ideally. however, this is not true. being bombarded by charity shows on tv months after months, seeing people holding donation cans/bags on the streets on weekends (in fact, some have surfaced on weekdays), people with charity tickets trying to make you buy. all in the name of doing good. just how much doing good can a person take?

it's sad that charitable organisations are fighting for a share from doners. there is no difference as the situation in other cut-throat sectors. does it have to be this way? i naively used to think that they should just assign weights to all these organisations and money is pooled together to be distributed accordingly. who will determine which organisation deserves more weightage then? it is like trying to decide who deserves to live more than the other person.

ironically, it has been statistically proven that there is enough in this world to feed, clothe and house every single person comfortably. but are we willing to give up what we have to give another? such a sad world we live in.
never ever let un-ironed clothes accumulate. it will grow to such an extent that ironing it seem like a never ending task that took an arduous two and half hours.

you know you are in serious trouble when time tabling is required to facilitate the watching of all the want-to-watch shows on tv.

funny when an rj j1 calls a sa j3 to ask about cca when they dont know each other at all and whatever the j3 says may be completely irrelevant to the j1.

men may not be from mars afterall. or the influx of martians cause men to move to venus temporarily. attached guy friends seem to gush more abt their significant others than attached girl friends. not that there's anything wrong. or maybe it's just me.
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
new year '2005' resolutions
know what? screw 2005 new year resolutions with specifics. heck! i dont even think i fulfilled half of my 2004 resolutions. it's really true. why do people make new year resolutions knowing that they wont keep them? and year after year they keep making them. yadda yadda. plus i'm already 5 days (almost 6) late for making new year resolutions. so it'll be kinda weird to go into specifics now. thus, lzay me shall recycle. it's good for the environment anw.

here are my resolutions:
to fulfil all the unfulfilled 2004 resolutions as wall as to refulfil all the reclyclable 2004 resolutions
to be a better person (wanted to say everyday but fig i'll break it the moment i stop blogging)

ta-da! sweet and cover all bases.
to a better, wonderful, peaceful and healthy 2005

6th day and counting
currently: healthless and jobless

you know the weirded feeling when everyone else is going to school and for the first time in many years, you dont have to go to school? i was devoid of that feeling on the 3rd of jan 2005. too caught up being sorry for myself for being sick. this is the first time i've been sick for so long in so many years, hopefully the last time.

i feel sick not eating. i feel sicker after eating. sometimes, i wonder what message my stomach is trying to tell me. i dont get it. on the bright side, i probably lose all the weight i put on during the holidaying and celebration. considering all i do nowadays is lie in bed and while my day away. since it's the only activity that allows me to feel better. more like not feel anything at all since i'm asleep.

for the very first time, i actually ran out of shows to watch despite having cable. the extent of my slackishness. btw, i'm still jobless. not that i mind in the current state i'm in. so this officially makes me the laziest person in the household as there are now 3 income earners. haha... and being at home all day doesnt make me do the chores. by the looks of it, i will have to go find another job. the person who offered me a posiiton is on leave and her helpful collegue who is supposed to help me check has not gotten back to me yet. but i'm not optimistic. quite funny how i fired myself at my first ever job (or whatever you call it).

meanwhile, i will continue whiling more days away.
Saturday, January 01, 2005
(kinda) ode to the year behind
since both my mind and tummy are still swirling, i will plagiarise this for now:


there's just so many events and people that make up my 2004 that it's hard to pinpoint them specifically. sometimes, i wonder if i shld just videocam my life. then it takes away the trouble and also the joy of blogging/diarying them down. hahaz... lazy me.

too much of good things
before i start on the prev two exciting weeks of exsitence, i can safely say that i enjoyed too many good things. so much so that i fall sick 4h upon landing in s'pore. and ushered in the new year lying in bed in hope that i dont feel anymore pain or puke any further. however, to all kind hearted folks who wish me to feel better, am alr on the road to recovery now :)

btw, i totally dont feel like working. but i dont think my parents will be able to stand me staying around the house (or not), eating and living for free. plus those working will be working and those in the army will be in the army. which leave my remaining social circle to be extremely small.

btw, in the following week, i need to:
  • get well!!!
  • finish clearing up the mess i have created from both trips
  • call the company to emphasize my availabilty (assuming that i know which number to call) or get a new job
  • get the PDL settled
  • attend 2 BBQs
  • start diary-ing the odac trip down
looks like i dont have to worry abt slacking alr. ;p

happy new year people! be safe and well!