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que sara sara

Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Better Now
[Collective Soul]

Oh I'm newly calibrated
All shiny and clean
I'm your recent adaptation
Time to redefine me

Let the word out I've got to get out
Oh I'm feeling better now
Break the news out I've got to get out
Oh I'm feeling better now

Oh I'm happy as Christmas
All wrapped to be seen
I'm your recent acquisition
Time to celebrate me

Let the word out I've got to get out
Oh I'm feeling better now
Break the news out I've got to get out
Oh I'm feeling better now

The world's done shaking
The world's done shaking
The world's done shaking me down

The world's done shaking
The world's done shaking
The world's done shaking me down
Sunday, May 29, 2005
accident proness
i often wonder if there's some sorta quota of accidents i have to sustain per month. due to the (probable) fact that i am far from the above mentioned quota, i've been encountering enough accidents/near accidents to hit it in the past three days.

well, i managed to spill one tea plunger of hot water over my hand while doing bar. i had no idea what possessed me to make me think that i can save the tea plunger as well as my hand. it was clearly one or the other. i also succeeded in spilling one container of grinded coffee beans all over the espresso machine. it was such an idiotic action that i didnt know if i should have laughed or cried after it happened. in between all the 'major' accidents, i choose not to remember how many glasswares i broke/cracked.

and i hate it when all my accidents inconvenience the people around me. which is more often than not the case. the apologetic/feel-bad emotion tends to linger way after the accident. meaning i have to get past this accident prone period so i can stop injuring myself and feel bad abt making others do more work. ha! as if it will happen soon.

btw, any form of public transportation that requires me to take 45min to reach a destination a mere 5km away doesnt deserve fare hikes. in fact, the decision makers of the companies should go on hikes more often. since they obviously adore hikes. and that perhaps by hiking instead of taking whatever pte transport they own, they will start to learn what the average commuter go through daily and re-establish the basis of their so far fallacious arguments for their decision.
Monday, May 23, 2005
outdoor leadership camp 2005 (otherwise known as LTC) is the slackest camp i think i'd ever attend. there was so little things for us to do that we wondered several times what we were doing there in the first place. the fact that the four of us girls (sab, win, char n me) were so well-trained by lam that we only packed camp essentials didnt help at all. i guess there was only so much each of us could take spending time with each other 24/7 doing nothing at all.

it was kinda like chalet without music (expect for char's hp which we couldnt blast in case we disturb our juniors), sufficient food, tv and cards (which we finally got when cong arrived). the company was great and sleeping in the 'chicken coops' in jln bahtera brought back a lot of memories but there was really nothing for us to make ourseleves useful with.

hanging around with the odacers makes me glad how little things have changed. despite the fact that most of the guys are in ns and that carol is having an enviable life as a camp instructor, things pretty much remained the same. we're still as rowdy and self-amusing as ever; entertained by the same joke from the beginning till the end of camp.

managed to kayak on sun. it wasnt as xiong as i expected it to be. neither did it gave me the sufficient amt of tan i hoped to achieve but hey, it's still kayaking. and although there was no capsize drill, i managed to get relatively wet thanks to three guys who decided to surround and attack me at the same time. sad to say, i never got to take my revenge. hahas...

win mentioned that it would probably be the last time we camp together again. well, we said that when we were in pahang and we still 'camped' together two more times after that. so i would be more optimistic abt camping together as a batch.

looking at my juniors, i do feel some regret that certain traditions failed to be passed down. like waiting for everyone before eating. like the 'yo dee sa si' cheer which was the crudest cheer i'd ever learnt but still a very fun and impressive cheer to say. but i guess every batch is unique. afterall, we did overcome our initial ra-ra-ness and met what was expected of us (and still maintain some sort of ra-ra-ness). hopefully, this new batch will emerge out of their shells and live up to being nulli secundus.
bitch fest
sometimes i just ask for things to happen to me. it was entirely my fault that i felt like a walking zombie on the second half of the prev week. working on my social life after working 7-3 is giving me a severe lack of sleep. so after sleeping half (or less) than my required amt (which is a lot) for five days, i zzz the past 12 hours away.

at this point, everyone seems more than ever to be going their separate paths.

ok... this is a very bad thing to say but i actually enjoy gossiping. to paraphase kelly: it's not gossip when you're telling the truth. however, i would think that talking behind other's backs, whether truth or not is gossip. basically, i had a major bitch fest with sh, deb and to some extent, my colleagues at work over the last week.

the three-hour meeting with sh could have been more productive. which goes to show that you shld always plan in advance what to do. nevertheless, it was fun meeting up. if we start recording the number of people we talk abt, debbie, i think the number will be astronomical. haha.. this is what you'll get for being schmates for six years and colleagues for almost half a year. we were talking non-stop from the moment we met and i believed we would have continued if it wasnt for the fact that i had to be at work at 7am the next day.

i think i talk too much at work. i was relatively quieter in my last hour of shift on fri and all my colleagues came to the conclusion that there was something wrong with me. i should go reflect on whether i ought to continue to be as talkative. i appreciate the concern but it's weird trying to explain there's nothing wrong with me when i'm being quiet. it's as if i wasnt capable of being silent. hahas...
Friday, May 13, 2005
irony of it all
gosh! it seems like forever since i've last updated.

it's kinda funny how i get much less sleep when i work mornings despite the fact that i end at three. and yes, i have to reach work at seven. it's worse than going to school cos i have to wake up so much earlier. i still enjoy working morning shifts though as time pass quickly and i can have a semi-life.

went for oec during the labour day long weekend. it made me realise how much i miss odac activities. while crossing the sea to ubin, i suddenly had the incredible urge to go kayaking. one thing though: try not to go over to ubin on your own. waiting for the required 12 pp to take the ferry takes forever. to put it mildly, it was an eventful oec. it was incredible the number of injuries we managed to sustain over the two day period. the weather was freaking hot though. in fact, us j3s could hardly sleep even though we could. so much so that me carol win and ms tay decided to try to bathe at 3 am in the morning in not-so-complete darkness. totally un-glam the things we did but the result was worth it. hahas..

slept for more than 12hrs after that. i think i'm growing more and more to be a pig. anw, the amt of sleep seemed to have short-circuited my brain. cos i went on the shopping spree after i woke up and spent all of my march OT pay. in two hours. i shld cut down on shopping alone in order to save money.

basically, spent the rest of the days working my ass off. ok, exaggeration. not that i mind working. honestly, being in my current line of work has changed my perceptions on a lot of things. like how education does nothing to some people. an example:

customer- (after staring at the menu forever, ignoring my presense despite the fact that she waved me over in the first place) "soft drinks are soft drinks. how can soft drinks be called sodas?"
*note: coke, sprite and coke light are classified under soda in the menu

me - (trying to resist the incredible urge to strangle her)

seriously, talking to such people makes it feel as though my IQ has dropped 20 pts instantly. and such people i speak off are well-educated and rich. i guess possessing platinium or what-have-yous cards and yadda-yadda high ranking posts made them lose their basic courtesy and respect for others somewhere along the way. i feel sorry for them.

there's this hidden story teller/script-writer in all of us. i can write a book based on the stories me and my colleagues cooked up about each other. everyday is so drama-ish. the thing is that my job is not without problems and frustrations (in case anyone thinks that i'm living in lala land) just that i've decided not to let bad things bother me so much and focus on the positivities. i dread becoming one of those cynics i meet daily.

oh... and thanks for ur concerns guys. i got into the course i chose. though i've yet to decide on which uni. leaving things till last min as usual.

random yet true trivial: do you know that you are likely to break your ribs when someone performs CPR on you?