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"Happiness comes from the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed."





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que sara sara

Friday, February 18, 2005
HOPES and dreams
i'm tempted to bitch about all the interesting customers (namely the super nice and super nasty ones) i met in the course of my work. but decided to leave one post entirely to that in the near future. i need more practise as a barista. however, making me do bar on sat night with full house crowd is NOT a good idea to train me. i hope i survive.

my driving sucks. i'll be the target of my dad's condescending and sexist remarks of female drivers if he witness my driving. then again, nothing is impossible with determination. i hope.

my parents should get over the fact that i didnt choose to work the night shift just to avoid them. sometimes, i wonder how they live till this day with that amount of paranoia in their lives. fat hope wishing they will get off my back.

the march bday comm is falling apart. hahaz... cos i want to drop out of the comm. shopping for suitable bday presents is difficult enough. shopping for suitable and surprising bday presents with a slight hint of sabotage is a near impossible task. that plus the fact that i'm meeting dear debbie in between shifts. i hope we dont have to shop last min again. i dont think we can afford to do that this time.

randomly useless thought: singapore river is nice. even though it is completely artificial and i havent seen enough rivers in my life to give an accurate opinion.
Saturday, February 12, 2005
stagnating blog
this blog has officially stagnated. along with my brain.

time passes quite fast siaz. soon it will be the fun/terror filled march. i think i choose to believe in the goodness of people. so it will be fun. however, it's terribly unfair cos i need to plan for three people. and the day that me and deb tried to be efficient abt it had resulted in us having terrible headaches.

and i will rem to consider very very carefully before agreeing to report to work early to help out. despite the OT pay. was working practically nonstop yesterday. everyone doing night shift broke something at some point of time. kenna scolded by a customer for nothing. it took all of my willpower not to roll my eyes at him and to correct his grammatically questionable english. sometimes i wonder if working in service industry has made me a less sincere person. i lost count of how many times i apologise without knowing why/feeling apologetic.

this cny has been a relatively quiet one with my grandparents in australia. spend a large portion of it watching canto drama serial with parents that has the everyone plotting against everyone else. incredibly exciting show. hahaz..

outlet bbq was quite nice. though not everyone turned up and it was at some ulu-fied part of pasir ris. got to interact more with the colleagues i seldom talk to.

i would have blogged more if not for the fact that am trying to prevent my blood from being sucked dry by the i-cant-see-them-but-they-manage-to-find-me mosquitoes.