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Come what may; whatever will be, will be. Faith is everything.

"Happiness comes from the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed."





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que sara sara

Friday, March 25, 2005
my hands are rotting
i washed two hundred plus glasses at work yesterday.

and i am doing laundry now.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
someone once
asked me a very good ques: why do we have to write down subjects for emails? i guess this applies for blog entries and their titles as well. leaving it blank is kinda funny and having ... is rather boring. shall attempt to start blogging straight away to see how it goes.

met up with the odac girls on thurs and fri. i have to admit that they were two very rare days. since i actually managed to meet almost everyone on those two days despite my inconsistent work schedule. my realisations: the conv i have wih my friends nowadays often veer towards the uncertainty of future; charmaine has officially gone mad (and she almost caused all of us to join her at urban's hse); carol has this tendency to make loud exclamations suddenly and making the rest of us dissolve in giggles and very paiseh but i still love her all the same :)

went out with my aunts after work on sat. was 1.5 hrs late cos of OT. which reminds me that i'd better learn to kep track of time. like all prev outings with my aunts, i freeload. a lot this time. slightly guilty but still quite shuang. i'm just full of contradiction. feel out of touch with technology nowadays. looking at the things i plan on depending on my bro to help me do (in order to slack and be lazy), i think he will kill me.

as for today, i have tons of things to do. the most impt of which is the uni application. which will take up a lot of time considering i didnt browse through any of the sites nor read the leaflets they sent me. and then there's the organised chaos i need to remove from my table. catching up on newspaper reading. though am contemplating to give up on that since i have like one month's worth to catch up on. catching up on tv prog watching. i think i need to come up with a time table for the activities at this rate i'm going.

am high these few days. must be the lack of sleep. but more imptly, it's the things i managed to do despite work. which can be quite a chore organising outings around evryone's schedules but totally worth it. anw, working made me and peishan discover what sheltered lives we lead. and i've decided that no matter what, i hope that i will be able to maintain a positive atitude towards life.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
aimless and plan-less
there seems to be only one ques on everyone's mind these days: so what are your plans? boy, i wish i get one dollar everytime the ques is posted. i'll be much richer by now.

the ans to the ques is that i do not know. all my life i've wandered around aimlessly. in fact, such aimlessness has served me well so far. plus the fact that i dont need a target to do well. i plan on doing my best for the sole purpose of doing my best. i'm tempted to do the same this time round. however, the opportunity costs and risks seem quite high. how?

i'm more or less settled down alr (with reference to prev entry). it does help that my current colleagues knew the people i used to work with or i've worked with them before. and i've got a super cool store manager. actually, despite the fact that i have practically no life thanks to my work and that the pay is not that great, i didnt regret taking on the job. not only that i have proven most of my relatives wrong, i get to meet people that i'll never get to meet otherwise.

despite the govt's efforts in making the society more intergrated (or whatever), it is no doubt that we tend to draw ourselves to people who are similar to us; whether in terms of family backgrounds or education levels etc. currently, i'm "force" to interact with those different (in every sense of the word) from me. and in the process, i learn to be more accepting towards others and the alternate lifestyles of theirs never cease to amaze me. and it's things like that which bring little sparks to my otherwise regimental and monotonous life.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
and the bomshell dropped
i'm still upset but i guess i'll have to learn to live with it.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
constancy in change
hoping that it wont happen. though unlikely. i dislike re-adapting. but i've decided not to be upset anymore.

appreciate those who take pains to meet me for meals during weird and limited timings. wouldnt mind more of such meetings if not for the fact that i'll always end up being almost late for work. hahas...

cant believe i'm saying this. but i miss sch. not the studying part of course. just the talk crap or gossip or stone or odac part.