it seems like 4 strangers are living in my house. everyday, we go about our daily routine. barely talking to each other with the exception of giving intructions like "water the plants", "lay the table" etc. and these 3 people are supposd to be the closest people i'm to in the whole world. kinship. blood ties. yet sometimes i hardly speack more than 10 sentences to them in a day.
the culprit? blame TV programmes. blame the rapidly globalising world. blame the stressful work env. blame the sucky education system. the end of it all, we ourselves are to blame.
i really miss those days whereby the 4 of us would sit down and watch movies on TV together. i miss the days where me and bro get on each others' nerves and fight (literally) over the silliest things.
the most ironic thing was that the sch announced for a 5-day week this morning. and the truth is that to me, the attempt to be pro-family is pathetic. how many of us will honestly spend the so-called "extra" one day with our families? and the stupidest thing is that they try to delude themselves into thinking that they are NOT trying to squeeze 5.5/6 days into 5 days. and that CCAs actually end earlier when they start early (for like 25mins?)
suddenly i feel incredibly tired. work keeps piling up. stacks of revision left undone. i have no freaking idea how am i going to finish studying in time for the As, much less prelims. if only i had more time. if only i could be a hermit as and when i like. :(