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Come what may; whatever will be, will be. Faith is everything.

"Happiness comes from the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed."





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que sara sara

Thursday, September 23, 2004
amazing race
"I have fought a good fight, I have finished (my) course, I have kept the faith" 2 Ti. 4:6
the verse they kept repeating today and now it's resounding in my head.

the lastest season of amazing race is over. and watching it somehow triggered an overwhelming sense of loss. my fav couple didnt win. but the loss is not because of that. to digress, was rooting for colin and christie though they can be terribly assholic. hahaz... they were great tactically. no body would have thought of booking a car, waiting for them at the airport the moment they touched down. but being yielded by chip and kim made them faltered too much. and they didnt recover sufficiently to achieve the final prize.

the feeling of wanting to cry yet not being able to sucks. plus it always come with a dull ache in my heart. the sense of loss stems from the thought of graduating soon. it's either am getting more emotional over time or that i spend too much time thinking. cos graduating from pri and sec schs didnt trigger the same intensity of emotions. there are just too many memories encapsulated in my mind and recored in all the diaries that i have. perhaps five years down the road, all these memories will fade into nothingness esp with my ablity to only retain short term stuff.

that's why i dont feel like fighting the fight or finishing my course. despite all the irritations and irritants, i do want to remain here. in transition but never transiting. the numbers of first(s) and and the myriad of experiences hold me back. but i do know that i have to move on eventually. just let me dwell on it a little longer.