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Come what may; whatever will be, will be. Faith is everything.

"Happiness comes from the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed."





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que sara sara

Sunday, September 05, 2004
(some not very got point) Things i've learnt yesterday
  • writing diary 15 mins before you go out is a bad idea
  • it's entirely possible to buy 13 pieces of clothing in one shot (not me :p)
  • it's also possible to stay in one shop for more than an hour waiting for another person to try on clothes
  • where to get good and ok-priced softshelled crab and banana fritters with ice cream
  • wisma has some cool and undiscovered (by me) shopping places
  • steamboat can be very very expensive
  • never reject to change phones for the time being when yours' running out of batt
  • conserve batt when you know that it's going to run out
  • nazhar is the only person i know who can tie a cherry knot using tongue (or at least the only person who bothers to show off often enough for me to know :p)
  • Swensen's staff can be darn rigid abt precedurs until you promise to pay immediately
  • always check for a person's birthday immediately after remembering it but forgetting the actual date (did that make sense?)
  • a birthday committee is necessary!
  • "Worlds of Sports" IS a checkpoint at PlazaSing for odac guys
  • fastfood restaurants are best for spending little money and lotsa time at without feeling bad

btw, i need help in exterminating ants at home. they are everywhere! i have this strong feeling that my intuition is right about something. and i wont like being right this time.