hmmz... seems that the issue for the moment the s'pore-taiwan one. since i never watch the news and am three weeks behind in newspaper reading, i would still be ignorant if werent updated by my mum.
talking about my mum, she's darn funny larh. was peacefully doing math in the room (ok... maybe not so peaceful when was trying not to tear my hair out) when she came in and excitedly told me that i'd have a new topic for gp. and i went huh?!? as usual. so seeing my confusion, she went at length to update me on the situation. should have recorded her crestfallen face when i told her the paper was probably set two years ago. hahaz...
anw, she went on to watch some taiwanese prog dicussing the issue. some talk show on cable. the prog must had been very insightful cos after it ended, she came in once again to update me on the latest progress. now here's the interesting part. i was asking her what was the exact expletive used and she went in the end, she didnt say it. instead she gave me the dictionary meaning of it. actually, if she just said it straight, i wont rem. but now, i'll rem the word and the meaning. the irony.
and the best part is this woman is married to a person who contributed to my trove of colourful language learnt (abt 60% of so i think). cos everytime a car tries cutting into the lane in front of us illegally (or do anything which pisses him off), very vibrant expressions would emerge. and me myself pissed him off more times than i can count in my life so far.
for the record (just in case someone who shldnt see this sees it), i still love my parents :p