what's with the attention on blogging recently? about it being used to air political views etc. this reminds me: was blog surfing once and came across this blog that lambasted other blogs for being trivial and the use of bad english and what-have-yous. hmm... actually blogging does make us more egocentric. then again, most of us already are. blogging just increase the tendency for us to do so.
actually, i have nothing much to blog about. since most of the day is spent
trying to studying for my own good. all the things mentioned about 耳濡目染 doesnt work. cos by right, with the amount of notes scattered around the room, i should be highly influenced to study. but nopes, been watching tv and reading the papers since i've got home.
exams draw people together. everyone talks about it. so it can be harness as a tool of propaganda. doesnt make sense? it didnt to me either. the though just floated past my brain (?) this whole post isnt supposed to make sense anyway.