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"Happiness comes from the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed."





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que sara sara

Friday, January 28, 2005
application of murphy's law
murphy's law really applies. everytime i need to do something impt online and not totally irrelevant stuff, my comp refuses to log on/cant log on/whatever (the fact that this can be posted is cos i tried on and off for like an hour.) and btw, i cant see anything on my tagboard. so for anyone who needs their msgs to be read urgently, pls email me. or sms. hah.

anw, i feel as though i am darn busy. cos when i want to meet friends, my sms will go something like this: so-and-so, let's meet for dinner on blah blah blah dates or lunch on blah blah blah dates. that's the problem with having inconsistent schedules. talking about schedules, the only benefit i derive from such inconsistencies is that i get to read more books. since when people are working, am at home. vice versa.

life is about making it a point. like making it a point to go swim on my off day though all i want to do is to stay in bed. like making it a point to meet up with people despite having conflicting schedules. like making a point not to be so accident prone at work (or at least spread out my accident proness over the week instead of all happening on a single day) i almost broke one teapot and dunno how many water glasses; spilled orange juice from the container which resulted in two other pp helping me to clean up (including my manager) and dirtied my top when the cake foil flew up (dont ask h0w it happened. embarrassment) all within one hour. talking about making a point, i need to make it a point to stop eating so many cakes. but there's just something about desserts that i cant resist. which is bad when i see cakes everyday and kinda get to eat when i'm doing morning shifts. for the record, i put back on all the weight i lost due to my one week of sickness in the beginning of the month. and cny is coming. great!

doing bar for your whole entire shift is not funny or fun at all. there's always something to do. whether is preparing the new orders, washing all the cups and spoons or topping up the ingredients. at least i didnt mess up any orders today. or more like the mistakes got spotted by more experienced colleagues (i.e. everyone else) before they got delivered to the customers. so i have yet to kenna scolding. but with my tendency to get flustered and messy, i can foresee that it will happen in due course. hahaz...