for some reasons, we get very unreasonable customers today. demanding to change seats when the place is already full. making us run around with requests when they could have just voiced out all their requests at once. scolding us when we were not the one who took the order in the first place. oh crap! i totally felt like throwing plates at one woman who cant even keep her kid quiet yet made so many demands which resulted in us running around. excuse me queen of the universe, i hope you fell flat on your face on her your home.
and did i mentioned that i hate kids? i shall reiterate if i did: i HATE kids. if they are controllable by their parents/guidians, they are alright. but if their inconsiderate parents allow them to run around the place, they are not only nuisances; they pose as dangers for all the service crews and other customers. the worst thing is that if i or my colleagues knock into them (or more like they knock into us), we will be the ones who will get it. people with kids like those should lock their kids up. actually, they themselves should be the ones to be locked up cos they are supposedly "thinking" adults. yarh right.
i guess today is just a bad day. out of every 20 customers, there is usually only one rude/inconsiderate/should-just-go-die one. i've met people who help us shift things when they see us struggling. there are also those who chat with you when you serve them water etc. and surprisingly, there's quite a number of people who actually leave tips despite having already paid for the 10% service charge.
btw, if there is feedback avenues available, i should suggest for the company to change all the seats to sofa seats or throw all the sofas away so that customers wont keep requesting change of seats and giving all of us headaches. and should have a voice recording system so that they cant insist that they said something when they didnt in the first place, putting the blame on us instead. plus i wont get 冤枉 for doing something wrong when i've been instructed by one colleague but another says that it's against SOP. ha! wistful thinking but one must always have hope in life.