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que sara sara

Friday, April 22, 2005
plain stupidity
after working for four months or so, i've come to the sad realisation that some people are plain stupid. the lack of grey matter in their heads make me wonder how the heck they could still eat, talk, breathe and implement stupid policies. sometimes i wonder why certain people are not in sales or advertising because they can crap so eloquently to justify their actions but you know that it's a whole load of rubbish.

i hate it when they film at my outlet. such filming is supposed to create good publicity for the company. bull! every single time filming was done, the crew managed to mess up the whole place and piss off the customers. apparently it doesnt occur to them that we still have a business to run and renting the outlet does not equate to giving them the right to do as they please.

btw, due to many unforseen circumstances, i will be working 58hours this week. in fact, it's 59.5hours after the filming last night.

Under the Employment Act:
—(1) Except as hereinafter provided, an employee shall not be required under his contract of service to work —
(a) more than 6 consecutive hours without a period of leisure;
(b) more than 8 hours in one day or more than 44 hours in one week:
Provided that —
(iv)where, by agreement under the contract of service between the employee and the employer, the number of hours of work in every alternate week is less than 44, the limit of 44 hours in one week may be exceeded in the other week, but so that no employee shall be required to work for more than 48 hours in one week or for more than 88 hours in any continuous period of 2 weeks.

so technically, i am only required to work 30hours next week (which is so not going to happen) or i can sue my company. i will not put up with such rubbish if not for the fantastic colleagues i work with everyday. to think of it, i should go read the whole employment act to arm myself against future exploitation.