i've to face it. my body and mind go on overdrive when i dont have enough rest. which means that my body screws up and i think too much. in fact, when i put those thoughts into words, i'll go "huh?" two days down the road re-reading them again.
why is it that i have so many things left undone? i just have this incredible urge to vegetate but it is an impossibility. because (a). after vegetating, i'll probably regret doing nothing when i could have done something; (b). i actually have a schedule planned for the "things to be done/people to meet". failure to adhere to the schedule will result in pangsei-ing people or not meeting deadlines. talking about deadlines, when i've finally decided to understand the marticulation procudures of smu, the site refuses to let me access it. how great.
spontaneity now is sms-ing people and telling them," hi so-and-so, i'm free for lunch/dinner on (insert day) next week. wanna meet?" on the day itself, i may end up feeling vegetative and not want to go. i do enjoy meeting up with people and they are all the more precious since most of these meetings are during snitches of time. BUT i still miss being able to be spontaneous.
guess what? my mum promised to sponser my university wordrobe (although she has yet to say how much. which means i should innocently try to find out the exact figure to prevent any nasty surprises later) and GSS is on but i have no time to shop. at least for the next week. how ironic. and shopping without my atm card (which i lost together with my wallet) is going to suck.
there's still so many things that has to be done. of course there is. blogging about the lack of time to do the things i need and want to do is not going to make things done. what makes me think otherwise? so why do i wish that i can sit around and do nothing at all?