i cant stand bullshit when it comes to schwork. i hate people who talk big and do nothing. if you have nothing to contribute, for heaven's sake, keep your mouth shut. i hate people who act bimbotic in front of me. i'm straight as straight can be so i'm in no way affected by whatever bimbotic acts are supposed to achieve. i admit i'm a demanding person who doesnt suffer fools. dont try to bullshit me by telling me you cant do this and that cos the resources are unavailable. especially when i can locate them and shove them in your face within the span of five mins. i'm quite sick of having to force people to do work. for God's sake, evereyone is either in the cusp of or already in adulthood. so behave like adults! surprisingly, i managed to keep my temper in check even though i feel like slapping people awake. Gah!
i cant say that i'm extremely close to my parents but they're the ones who taught me my values so i love using them as sounding boards with regards to my relationships with others.
certain experiences have made me learnt to be much more comfortable being myself. i've always been an independent person but i do suffer bouts of self-doubt. i think the most important thing i took away from all these is that there will always be people who accept me completely and that i dont need to pretend to be a person i'm not. and that is very crucial for me and the way i intend to lead my life in future.